Rufiner, H. L.'s publications with sinc(i)

Publications in 2002
H. L. Rufiner, L. F. Rocha, J. Goddard
Proc. of the 2nd Joint Meeting of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and the Biomedical Engineering Society EMBS-BMES2002, Volume 1, page 288--289 - October 2002

H. L. Rufiner, L. F. Rocha, J. Goddard
Proc. of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP 2002, page 989--992 - September 2002

J. Goddard, F. M. Martínez, A. E. Martínez, H. L. Rufiner
Proc. of the 144th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 3rd Iberoamerican Congress of Acoustics, 9th Mexican Congress of Acoustics, Volume 112, page 2304 - december 2002

D. H. Milone, A. Azar, H. L. Rufiner
Revista Ciencia, Docencia y Tecnología, Volume XIII, Number 25, page 173-208 - november 2002
Publications in 2001
H. L. Rufiner, J. Goddard, A. E. Martínez, F. M. Martínez
Proceedings of the 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001) and the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis (ISAS 2001) - July 2001
Publications in 2000
C. E. Martínez, H. L. Rufiner
Proceedings of the Chicago 2000 World Congress IEEE EMBS - 2000

H. M. Torres, H. L. Rufiner
Proceedings of the Chicago 2000 World Congress IEEE EMBS - July 2000

L. Aronson, H. L. Rufiner, H. Furmanski, P. Estienne
Fonoaudiológica, Volume 46, Number 2, page 12--20 - July 2000

H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez, H. M. Torres
Anales de las VIII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Grupo Montevideo, page 91 - September 2000

H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez, H. M. Torres
Anales de las VIII Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores Grupo Montevideo, page 76 - September 2000
Publications in 1999
H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez
Anales del XII Congreso Argentino de Bioingenierí­a, Volume 1, page 55--58 - june 1999

H. M. Torres, H. L. Rufiner
Anales del XII Congreso Argentino de Bioingenierí­a, Volume 1, page 319--322 - June 1999
Publications in 1998
D. H. Milone, J. C. Sáez, G. Simón, H. L. Rufiner
Anales del 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, Mazatlán 98, Volume 1, page 779--784 - Nov. 1998

D. H. Milone, J. C. Sáez, G. Simón, H. L. Rufiner
Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Biomédica, Volume 19, Number 4, page 13--26 - Dic. 1998

H. M. Torres, H. L. Rufiner
Anales del 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, Mazatlán 98, Volume 1, page 163--166 - November 1998

L. G. Gamero, H. L. Rufiner
Anales del 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, Mazatlán 98, Volume 1, page 784--787 - november 11-14 1998

H. L. Rufiner, J. Goddard
Revista Argentina de Bioingeniería, Volume 4, Number 1, page 11-20 - March 1998

D. H. Milone, J. C. Sáez, G. Simón, H. L. Rufiner
Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Volume 3, page 1348--1351 - Oct. 1998

H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez
Anales del 1er Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería Biomédica, Mazatlán 98, Volume 1, page 741--744 - 1998
Publications in 1997
H. L. Rufiner, J. Goddard
Proceedings of the 40th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Volume 2, page 889--891 - August 1997