Leandro Vignolo

  • Adjunct Researcher, CONICET
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Informatics, FICH-UNL

Research Interests

  • Digital signal processing
  • Computational intelligence
  • Speech processing and recognition
  • Spoken emotion recognition
  • Evolutionary computation
  • Pattern recognition




Latest Publicactions

Fully Adaptive Time-Varying Wave-Shape Model: Applications in Biomedical Signal Processing
  • J. Ruiz
  • G. Schlotthauer
  • L. D. Vignolo
  • M. A. Colominas

Signal Processing - 2024

Daylong Acoustic Recordings of Grazing and Rumination Activities in Dairy Cows
  • L. Rau
  • J. O. Chelotti
  • M. Ferrero
  • J. Galli
  • S.A Utsumi
  • A. M. Planisich
  • L. D. Vignolo
  • L. Giovanini
  • H. L. Rufiner

Scientific Data - 2023

A full end-to-end deep approach for detecting and classifying jaw movements from acoustic signals in grazing cattle
  • M. Ferrero
  • L. D. Vignolo
  • S. R. Vanrell
  • L. Rau
  • J. O. Chelotti
  • J. Galli
  • L. Giovanini
  • H. L. Rufiner

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence - 2023

Exploring feature extraction methods for infant mood classification
  • L. D. Vignolo
  • E. M. Albornoz
  • C. E. Martínez

AI Communications - 2019

Furnariidae Species Classification Using Extreme Learning Machines and Spectral Information
  • E. M. Albornoz
  • L. D. Vignolo
  • J. A. Sarquis
  • C. E. Martínez

Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2018 - 2018

More Publications

Personal Contact

  • Phone: +54 (342) 4575233/34, ext. 191
  • Office number: 1
  • E-mail: ldvignolo@sinc.unl.edu.ar