- Assistant Researcher, CONICET
Research Interest
- Analytical Chemistry
- Chemometrics
- 3D Printing
- Open-Source Soft/Hardware
Analytical Chemistry (FBCB-UNL)
- Luciana Vera Candioti
Personal Contact
- Phone: +54 (342) 4575233/34, ext. 117
- Lab 2
- E-mail: gsiano@sinc.unl.edu.ar
Latest Publicactions
Chiral x achiral multidimensional liquid chromatography. Application to the enantioseparation of dintitrophenyl amino acids in honey samples and their fingerprint classification
- A. Acquaviva
- G. Siano
- P. Quintas
- M.R. Filgueira
- C.B. Castells
Journal of Chromatography A - 2019 - 2020
Chemometric handling of spectral-temporal dependencies for liquid chromatography data with online registering of excitation-emission fluorescence matrices
- G. Siano
- L. Vera Candioti
- L. Giovanini
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - 2020 - 2020
A novel fluorimetric method for glyphosate and AMPA determination with NBD-Cl and MCR-ALS
- A. L. Pérez
- G. Tibaldo
- G. H. Sánchez
- G. Siano
- N. R. Marsili
- A. V. Schenone
Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy - 2019 - 2019
Automatic generation of photochemically induced excitation-emission-kinetic four-way data for the highly selective determination of azinphos-methyl in fruit juices
- M. Montemurro
- G. Siano
- M. J. Culzoni
- H. C. Goicoechea
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017 - 2017
Third order chromatographic-excitation–emission fluorescence data: Advances, challenges and prospects in analytical applications
- M. Montemurro
- G. Siano
- M. R. Alcaráz
- H. C. Goicoechea
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry - 2017 - 2017