Demographically-Informed Prediction Discrepancy Index: Early Warnings of Demographic Biases for Unlabeled Populations

L. Mansilla, E. Claucich, R. Echeveste, D. H. Milone, E. Ferrante
Transactions on Machine Learning Research - 2024
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BibTex references

  author       = "Mansilla, L. and Claucich, E. and Echeveste, R. and Milone, D. 
H. and Ferrante, E.", title = "Demographically-Informed Prediction Discrepancy Index: Early
Warnings of Demographic Biases for Unlabeled Populations", journal = "Transactions on Machine Learning Research", year = "2024", url = "" }
Download BibTex: MCEMF24.bib

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