A novel clustering approach for biological data using a new distance based on Gene Ontology

G. Leale, D. H. Milone, A Bayá, P. Granitto, G. Stegmayer
Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2013) - 42º JAIIO - 2013
Download the publication : sinc_LMBGS13.pdf [413Ko]  

BibTex references

  author       = "Leale, G. and Milone, D. H. and Bayá, A and Granitto, P. and 
Stegmayer, G.", title = "A novel clustering approach for biological data using a new
distance based on Gene Ontology", booktitle = "Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI 2013) -
42º JAIIO", year = "2013", note = "in press.", url = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/2013/LMBGS13" }
Download BibTex: LMBGS13.bib

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