Nicolás Gaggion

  • PhD Student, CONICET

Research Interest

  • Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Graph Neural Networks
  • Representation Learning
  • Plant Phenotyping



Latest Publicactions

CheXmask: a large-scale dataset of anatomical segmentation masks for multi-center chest x-ray images
  • N. Gaggion
  • C. Mosquera
  • L. Mansilla
  • J. Saidman
  • M. Aineseder
  • D. H. Milone
  • E. Ferrante

Scientific Data - 2024

Multi-center anatomical segmentation with heterogeneous labels via landmark-based models
  • N. Gaggion
  • M. Vakalopoulou
  • D. H. Milone
  • E. Ferrante

arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.07395 - 2022

Improving anatomical plausibility in medical image segmentation via hybrid graph neural networks: applications to chest x-ray analysis
  • N. Gaggion
  • L. Mansilla
  • C. Mosquera
  • D. H. Milone
  • E. Ferrante

IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging - 2022

Hybrid Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Landmark-Based Anatomical Segmentation
  • N. Gaggion
  • L. Mansilla
  • D. H. Milone
  • E. Ferrante

Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention -- MICCAI 2021 - 2021

ChronoRoot: High-throughput phenotyping by deep segmentation networks reveals novel temporal parameters of plant root system architecture
  • N. Gaggion
  • F. Ariel
  • V. Daric
  • É. Lambert
  • S. Legendre
  • T. Roulé
  • A. Camoirano
  • D. H. Milone
  • M. Crespi
  • T. Blein
  • E. Ferrante

GigaScience - 2021

More Publications

Personal Contact

  • Phone: +54 (342) 4575233/34, ext. 119
  • E-mail: