- PhD Student, CONICET
Research Interest
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Bioinformatics
- Neural Networks
- Graph Neural Networks
- Embedding Learning
Latest Publicactions
Comparison of neural network-based methods for similarity prediction in compounds with unknown structure
- E. Borzone
- L. Di Persia
- M. Gerard
XII Argentine Congress of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (XII CAB2C) - 2022
Neural model-based similarity prediction for compounds with unknown structures
- E. Borzone
- L. Di Persia
- M. Gerard
Applied Informatics 5th International Conference, ICAI 2022 - 2022
Evaluación de un modelo neuronal para la estimación de similaridad entre compuestos a partir de representaciones one-hot
- E. Borzone
- L. Di Persia
- M. Gerard
23 Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) - 51 Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research (JAIIO) - 2022
More Publications
Personal Contact
- Phone: +54 (342) 4575233/34, ext. 119
- E-mail: eborzone@sinc.unl.edu.ar