Schlotthauer, G.'s publications with sinc(i)

Publications in 2003
M. E. Torres, M. M. Añino, G. Schlotthauer
Medical Engineering and Physics (ISSN: 1350-4533), Volume 25, Number 10, page 859-867 - 2003

M. E. Torres, L. G. Gamero, H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez, D. H. Milone, G. Schlotthauer
Memorias del XIV Congreso Argentino de Bioingenierí­a, page 125 - 2003

M. E. Torres, M. M. Añino, G. Schlotthauer
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 324, Number 3--4, page 645--664 - 2003

M. E. Torres, L. G. Gamero, H. L. Rufiner, C. E. Martínez, D. H. Milone, G. Schlotthauer
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, page 2339--2342 - 2003
Publications in 2001
M. E. Torres, M. M. Añino, G. Schlotthauer
Proc. of XIII Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería y II Jornadas de Ingeniería Clínica. SABI'2001, page 135 - 2001

M. E. Torres, M. M. Añino, G. Schlotthauer
2001 IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on non linear signal and image processing, page 1--5 - June 2001