Tiempo de latencia en brotes de dengue de zona templada

M. Fernández, M. Colazo, H. Fernández, I. E. Gareis, H. L. Rufiner, Carlos M. Pais
Mecánica Computacional, Volume XXXV, page 349--359 - nov 2017
Download the publication : sinc_FCFGRP17.pdf [572Ko]  

BibTex references

  author       = "Fernández, M. and Colazo, M. and Fernández, H. and Gareis, I. 
E. and Rufiner, H. L. and Pais, Carlos M.", title = "Tiempo de latencia en brotes de dengue de zona templada", journal = "Mecánica Computacional", volume = "XXXV", pages = "349--359", month = "nov", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/2017/FCFGRP17" }
Download BibTex: FCFGRP17.bib

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