Furnariidae species recognition using speech-related features and machine learning
L. D. Vignolo,
J. A. Sarquis,
E. Leon,
E. M. Albornoz
17th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) - 45th JAIIO - sep 2016
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author = "Vignolo, L. D. and Sarquis, J. A. and Leon, E. and Albornoz, E.
title = "Furnariidae species recognition using speech-related features
and machine learning",
booktitle = "17th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) -
45th JAIIO",
month = "sep",
year = "2016",
url = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/2016/VSLA16"
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