Desarrollo de una biblioteca para el procesamiento de imágenes utilizando tecnologías web

A. Fort Villa, C. E. Martínez, E. M. Albornoz
16th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE) - 44th JAIIO - sep 2015
Download the publication : sinc_FMA15.pdf [973Ko]  

BibTex references

  author       = "Fort Villa, A. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.",
  title        = "Desarrollo de una biblioteca para el procesamiento de imágenes 
utilizando tecnologías web", booktitle = "16th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE) - 44th
JAIIO", month = "sep", year = "2015", address = "Rosario, Argentina", url = "" }
Download BibTex: FMA15.bib

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