Automatic Detection of Slight Parameter Changes Associated to Complex Biomedical Signals using Multiresolution q-Entropy

M. E. Torres, M. M. Añino, G. Schlotthauer
Medical Engineering and Physics (ISSN: 1350-4533), Volume 25, Number 10, page 859-867 - 2003

BibTex references

  author       = "Torres, M. E. and Añino, M. M. and Schlotthauer, G.",
  title        = "Automatic Detection of Slight Parameter Changes Associated to 
Complex Biomedical Signals using Multiresolution q-Entropy", journal = "Medical Engineering and Physics (ISSN: 1350-4533)", number = "10", volume = "25", pages = "859-867", year = "2003", url = "" }
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