Tsallis entropy and cortical dynamics: the analysis of EEG signals
A. Capurro,
L. Diambra,
D. Lorenzo,
O. Macadar,
M. T. Martín,
M. C. Mostaccio,
A. Plastino,
E. Rofman,
M. E. Torres,
J. Velluti
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 257, Number 1--4, page 149--155 - 1998
BibTex references
author = "Capurro, A. and Diambra, L. and Lorenzo, D. and Macadar, O. and
Martín, M. T. and Mostaccio, M. C. and Plastino, A. and Rofman, E. and Torres, M. E. and Velluti, J.",
title = "Tsallis entropy and cortical dynamics: the analysis of EEG
journal = "Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications",
number = "1--4",
volume = "257",
pages = "149--155",
year = "1998",
url = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/1998/CDLMMMPRTV98"
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