On a Multiresolution Entropy Measure

M. E. Torres, L. G. Gamero, P. Flandrin, P. Abry
SPIE'97 Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing V, Volume 3169, page 400--407 - July 1997

BibTex references

  author       = "Torres, M. E. and Gamero, L. G. and Flandrin, P. and Abry, P.",
  title        = "On a Multiresolution Entropy Measure",
  booktitle    = "SPIE'97 Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing V",
  volume       = "3169",
  pages        = "400--407",
  month        = "July",
  year         = "1997",
  editor       = "Akram Aldroubi, Andrew F. Laine and Michel Unser",
  publisher    = "SPIE Int. Soc. for Optical Engineering",
  address      = "Washington",
  url          = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/1997/TGFA97"
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