Tsallis information measure, multiresolution analysis, and nonlinear dynamics

A. Capurro, L. Diambra, D. Lorenzo, O. Macadar, M. T. Martín, A. Plastino, E. Rofman, M. E. Torres, J. Velluti
Technical Report 3184, INRIA-Rapport de recherche, Number 3184 - Juin 1997

BibTex references

  author       = "Capurro, A. and Diambra, L. and Lorenzo, D. and Macadar, O. and 
Martín, M. T. and Plastino, A. and Rofman, E. and Torres, M. E. and Velluti, J.", title = "Tsallis information measure, multiresolution analysis, and
nonlinear dynamics", institution = "INRIA-Rapport de recherche", number = "3184", month = "Juin", year = "1997", note = "Endc. Analyt 21105, ISSN 0249-6399", url = "http://sinc.unl.edu.ar/sinc-publications/1997/CDLMMPRTV97" }
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