@Article{SVG20, author = "Siano, G. and Vera Candioti, L. and Giovanini, L.", title = "Chemometric handling of spectral-temporal dependencies for liquid chromatography data with online registering of excitation-emission fluorescence matrices", journal = "Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems - 2020", number = "103961", volume = "199", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/SVG20" } @Article{ASQFC20, author = "Acquaviva, A. and Siano, G. and Quintas, P. and Filgueira, M.R. and Castells, C.B.", title = "Chiral x achiral multidimensional liquid chromatography. Application to the enantioseparation of dintitrophenyl amino acids in honey samples and their fingerprint classification", journal = "Journal of Chromatography A - 2019", number = "460729", volume = "1614", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/ASQFC20" } @Article{PTSSMS19, author = "Pérez, A. L. and Tibaldo, G. and Sánchez, G. H. and Siano, G. and Marsili, N. R. and Schenone, A. V.", title = "A novel fluorimetric method for glyphosate and AMPA determination with NBD-Cl and MCR-ALS", journal = "Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy - 2019", volume = "214", pages = "119--128", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/PTSSMS19" } @Article{MSCG17, author = "Montemurro, M. and Siano, G. and Culzoni, M. J. and Goicoechea, H. C.", title = "Automatic generation of photochemically induced excitation-emission-kinetic four-way data for the highly selective determination of azinphos-methyl in fruit juices", journal = "Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical - 2017", volume = "239", pages = "397--404", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/MSCG17" } @Article{SMAG17, author = "Siano, G. and Montemurro, M. and Alcaráz, M. R. and Goicoechea, H. C.", title = "Open-Source Assisted Laboratory Automation through Graphical User Interfaces and 3D Printers: Application to Equipment Hyphenation for Higher-Order Data Generation", journal = "Analytical Chemistry - 2017", number = "20", volume = "89", pages = "10667--10672", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/SMAG17" } @Article{MSAG17, author = "Montemurro, M. and Siano, G. and Alcaráz, M. R. and Goicoechea, H. C.", title = "Third order chromatographic-excitation–emission fluorescence data: Advances, challenges and prospects in analytical applications", journal = "TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry - 2017", volume = "93", pages = "119--133", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/MSAG17" }