@Article{BDGRPFCASM24, author = "Bugnon, L. A. and Di Persia, L. and Gerard, M. and Raad, J. and Prochetto, S. and Fenoy, E. and Chorostecki, U. and Ariel, F. and Stegmayer, G. and Milone, D. H.", title = "sincFold: end-to-end learning of short- and long-range interactions in RNA secondary structure", journal = "Briefings in Bioinformatics", number = "4", volume = "25", year = "2024", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2024/BDGRPFCASM24" } @Article{BEPGRFRCGADMS22, author = "Bugnon, L. A. and Edera, A. and Prochetto, S. and Gerard, M. and Raad, J. and Fenoy, E. and Rubiolo, M. and Chorostecki, U. and Gabaldon, G. and Ariel, F. and Di Persia, L. and Milone, D. H. and Stegmayer, G.", title = "Secondary structure prediction of long noncoding RNA: review and experimental comparison of existing approaches", journal = "Briefing in Bioinformatics", year = "2022", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2022/BEPGRFRCGADMS22" } @Article{GADLLRCMCBF21, author = "Gaggion, N. and Ariel, F. and Daric, V. and Lambert, É. and Legendre, S. and Roulé, T. and Camoirano, A. and Milone, D. H. and Crespi, M. and Blein, T. and Ferrante, E.", title = "ChronoRoot: High-throughput phenotyping by deep segmentation networks reveals novel temporal parameters of plant root system architecture", journal = "GigaScience", number = "7", volume = "10", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/GADLLRCMCBF21" } @Article{BRMYAMS21, author = "Bugnon, L. A. and Raad, J. and Merino, G. and Yones, C. and Ariel, F. and Milone, D. H. and Stegmayer, G.", title = "Deep Learning for the discovery of new pre-miRNAs: helping the fight against COVID-19", journal = "Machine Learning with Applications", volume = "6", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/BRMYAMS21" } @Article{MRBYKCAMS20, author = "Merino, G. and Raad, J. and Bugnon, L. A. and Yones, C. and Kamenetzky, L. and Claus, J. and Ariel, F. and Milone, D. H. and Stegmayer, G.", title = "Novel SARS-CoV-2 encoded small RNAs in the passage to humans", journal = "Bioinformatics", month = "11", year = "2020", note = "btaa1002", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/MRBYKCAMS20" }