@InProceedings{SMA22, author = "Spahn, A. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Augmented and virtual reality mirror therapy system for hand rehabilitation in stroke patients", booktitle = "22nd IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics and 8th IEEE International Conference on Recent Achievements in Mechatronics, Automation, Computer Science and Robotics (CINTI-MACRo) ", year = "2022", address = "Budapest, Hungary", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2022/SMA22" } @InProceedings{EBMA22, author = "Erbele, G. and Bourlot, J. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Automatic Extraction of Heat Maps and Goal Instances of a Basketball Game Using Video Processing", booktitle = "Communications in Computer and Information Science - CACIC 2021", volume = "1584", pages = "1--11", year = "2022", editor = "P. Pesado and G. Gil (Eds.)", address = "Switzerland", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2022/EBMA22" } @InProceedings{MA22, author = "Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Conformación de una red para la internacionalización de la currícula de Procesamiento Digital de Imágenes (Ingeniería en Informática)", booktitle = "II Congreso de Internacionalización de la Educación Superior (CIES)", year = "2022", publisher = "UNL", address = "Santa Fe, Argentina.", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2022/MA22" } @InProceedings{ORRMA21, author = "Ortiz de Zárate, R. and Ríos, L. and Roncaglia, G. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Análisis y clasificación de ladrillos de hormigón celular a través de imágenes", booktitle = "XXVII Congreso Argentino De Ciencias De La Computación (CACIC)", year = "2021", address = "Salta, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/ORRMA21" } @MastersThesis{PFA21, author = "Paiva, M. and Ferrante, E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de aplicación móvil para reconocimiento y valoración de cervezas artesanales (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/PFA21" } @MastersThesis{AAE21, author = "Arrasin, C. H. and Albornoz, E. M. and Estepa, A.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema para neurorehabilitación basado en plataforma de balance y mini-pc (Undergraduate project)"", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/AAE21" } @InProceedings{BEPMFA21, author = "Bourlot, J. and Erbele, G. and Priemer, E. and Martínez, C. E. and Ferrante, E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Generación de mapas de calor de un partido de básquetbol a partir del procesamiento de video", booktitle = "XXVII Congreso Argentino De Ciencias De La Computación (CACIC)", year = "2021", address = "Salta, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/BEPMFA21" } @Article{PAP21, author = "Pighin, G. A. and Albornoz, E. M. and Piña, C. I.", title = "Protocolo de obtención de imágenes para detección de individuos mediante vehículos aéreos no tripulados", journal = "Comunidad de Manejo de Fauna Silvestre en la Amazonía y en Latinoamérica (COMFAUNA)", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/PAP21" } @InProceedings{GBFCBA21, author = "Godoy, D. A. and Bareiro, H. and Favret, F. and Colloti, G. and Blariza, J. P. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Salón de Clases Inteligente Eficiente Energéticamente", booktitle = "XXIII Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC)", year = "2021", address = "La Rioja, Argentina", note = "ISBN 978-987-24611-3-3", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/GBFCBA21" } @MastersThesis{RTA21, author = "Rojas, R. and Tito Piérola, D. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Software para la detección, el tratamiento y acompañamiento de niños con autismo (ELISMERÉS) (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ciencias Económicas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2021", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2021/RTA21" } @MastersThesis{FAM20, author = "Farré, G. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema de alerta de pérdida de atención en la conducción basado en visión computacional (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/FAM20" } @InProceedings{TSMA20, author = "Tonutti, H. and Schmidt, E. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema para simulación y análisis de estrés en exposiciones orales", booktitle = "49 JAIIO - Simposio Argentino de Ciencia de Datos y GRANdes DAtos y Simposio Arg. de Inteligencia Artificial", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/TSMA20" } @InProceedings{CGCMA20, author = "Coronel, G. and Gianinetto, L. and Cernotto, S. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil para la digitalización e identificación de eventos en calendarios", booktitle = "Anales del 8vo. Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática – Sistemas de Información (CONAIISI)", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/CGCMA20" } @InProceedings{AMT20, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E. and Toledo, C.", title = "Reconocimiento facial para On-Boarding Digital", booktitle = "49 JAIIO - Simposio Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad-Industria (JUI)", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/AMT20" } @InProceedings{FSZMA20, author = "Falchini, I. and Spahn, A. and Zacarías, V. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Sistema de asistencia terapéutica para rehabilitación de manos", booktitle = "Anales del 8vo. Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática – Sistemas de Información (CONAIISI)", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/FSZMA20" } @InProceedings{ACMP20, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Carolo, R. and Martínez, C. E. and Pizarro, J.", title = "Sistema de Conteo Forestal, Agrícola y Ganadero mediante procesamiento de imágenes", booktitle = "49 JAIIO - Simposio Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad-Industria (JUI)", year = "2020", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2020/ACMP20" } @InProceedings{ABAMC19, author = "Alfaro, E. and Bolaños Fonseca, X. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E. and Calderón Ramírez, S.", title = "A Brief Analysis of U-Net and Mask R-CNN for Skin Lesion Segmentation", booktitle = "IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI 2019)", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/ABAMC19" } @InProceedings{ESCAPA19, author = "Espínola, L. A. and Sklar, D. and Contreras, F. I. and Albornoz, E. M. and Paira, A. R. and Aimar, H.", title = "Complejidad Geomorfológica en un Gran Humedal. Geometría Fractal del Río Paraná en su Tramo Medio", booktitle = "Anales de VII Jornadas y IV Congreso Argentino de Ecología de Paisajes y IV Foro Regional Ecovalle", month = "Octubre", year = "2019", address = "Cipolletti, Río Negro, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/ESCAPA19" } @InProceedings{FMA19, author = "Farré, G. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema de detección de pérdidas de atención en la conducción basado en visión computacional", booktitle = "48 JAIIO - Simposio Argentino de Imágenes y Visión (SAIV)", pages = "35--40", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/FMA19" } @InProceedings{AAM19, author = "Arrasin, C. H. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema para neurorehabilitación basado en plataforma de balance y mini-pc", booktitle = "48 JAIIO - 10mo Congreso Argentino de Informática y Salud (CAIS)", pages = "28--38", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/AAM19" } @MastersThesis{AAM19a, author = "Albretch, L. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de una aplicación para la identificación de objetos cercanos y lectura de texto como asistencia a personas no videntes (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/AAM19a" } @Article{VAM19, author = "Vignolo, L. D. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Exploring feature extraction methods for infant mood classification", journal = "AI Communications", number = "32", volume = "3", pages = "191--206", year = "2019", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2019/VAM19" } @InProceedings{BAMGKMM18, author = "Basconcel, B. and Albornoz, E. M. and Mastaglia, N. and Galarza, R. and Kemerer, A. and Melchiori, R. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Aplicación web para delimitar zonas de manejo homogéneo en lotes productivos agrícolas", booktitle = "CAI 2018 - Congreso Argentino de AgroInformática . JAIIO 2018, Jornadas Argentinas de Informática", pages = "150--153", year = "2018", note = "ISSN: 2525-0949", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/BAMGKMM18" } @InProceedings{MAGA18, author = "Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M. and Galanternik, G. and Auchterberge, E.", title = "Desarrollo de librería para implementación de sistemas biométricos faciales", booktitle = "JUI - Jornadas de Vinculación Universidad - Industria. JAIIO 2018, Jornadas Argentinas de Informática", pages = "1--4", year = "2018", note = "ISSN: 2451-750X", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/MAGA18" } @InProceedings{CAM18, author = "Castello, F. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema integral de adquisición de imágenes por dron, procesamiento y análisis para agricultura de precisión", booktitle = "CAI 2018 - Congreso Argentino de AgroInformática . JAIIO 2018, Jornadas Argentinas de Informática", pages = "36--48", year = "2018", note = "ISSN: 2525-0949", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/CAM18" } @InProceedings{VAM18, author = "Vignolo, L. D. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Feature Set Optimisation for Infant Cry Classification", booktitle = "Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2018", pages = "455--466", year = "2018", editor = "Simari, Guillermo R. and Fermé, Eduardo and Gutiérrez Segura, Flabio and Rodríguez Melquiades, José Antonio", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", address = "Cham", note = "ISSN: 978-3-030-03927-1", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/VAM18" } @InProceedings{AVSM18a, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Vignolo, L. D. and Sarquis, J. A. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Furnariidae Species Classification Using Extreme Learning Machines and Spectral Information", booktitle = "Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2018", pages = "170--180", year = "2018", editor = "Simari, Guillermo R. and Fermé, Eduardo and Gutiérrez Segura, Flabio and Rodríguez Melquiades, José Antonio", publisher = "Springer International Publishing", address = "Cham", note = "ISSN: 978-3-030-03927-1", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/AVSM18a" } @InProceedings{SA18, author = "Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Neural network pruning using discriminative information for emotion recognition", booktitle = "Advances in Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2018", year = "2018", note = "ISSN: 978-3-030-03927-1", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/SA18" } @MastersThesis{CMA18, author = "Castello, F. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Software para realizar agricultura de precisión aplicando procesamiento por imágenes captadas por dron (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2018", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2018/CMA18" } @Article{AVSL17, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Vignolo, L. D. and Sarquis, J. A. and Leon, E.", title = "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning", journal = "Ecological Informatics ", volume = "38", pages = "39 - 49", year = "2017", keywords = "Bird sound classification , Computational bioacoustics, Machine learning, Speech-related features, Furnariidae", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/AVSL17" } @InProceedings{DLSMA17, author = "Deangeli, D. and López, D. and Senger, A. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Clasificación de muestras de yerba mate mediante descriptores de textura", booktitle = "Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática - Sistemas de Información (CONAIISI)", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/DLSMA17" } @MastersThesis{PMMA17, author = "Perren, L. and Meurzet, M. and Milone, D. H. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo e implementación de aplicación Android para detección de roncopatı́as sobre señales de baja resolución (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/PMMA17" } @Article{AKGMMM17, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Kemerer, A. and Galarza, R. and Mastaglia, N. and Melchiori, R. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Development and evaluation of an automatic software for management zone delineation", journal = "Precision Agriculture", pages = "1-14", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/AKGMMM17" } @Article{AM17, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H.", title = "Emotion recognition in never-seen languages using a novel ensemble method with emotion profiles", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing", number = "1", volume = "8", pages = "45--53", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/AM17" } @Article{AMR17a, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Feature extraction based on bio-inspired model for robust emotion recognition", journal = "Soft Computing", number = "17", volume = "21", pages = "5145--5158", month = "Sep", year = "2017", optkey = "Albornoz2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/AMR17a" } @MastersThesis{CMA17, author = "Ceschi, J. P. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Medición de intensidad de tráfico mediante análisis de video (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/CMA17" } @Article{SARG17a, author = "Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M. and Albornoz, E. M. and Rufiner, H. L. and Goddard, J.", title = "Post-training discriminative pruning for RBMs", journal = "Soft Computing", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/SARG17a" } @InProceedings{ABM17, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Bugnon, L. A. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Snore Recognition Using a Reduced Set of Spectral Features", booktitle = "2017 XVI Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC)", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/ABM17" } @MastersThesis{EMAS16, author = "Estepa, A. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M. and Sponton Piriz, S.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema de control de rutinas basado en Kinect con aplicaciones en Neurorehabilitación (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/EMAS16" } @InProceedings{AM16a, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Design and evaluation of reduced-size feature sets for the assessment of sincerity in speech", booktitle = "17th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI)", month = "nov", year = "2016", address = "Budapest, Hungary", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/AM16a" } @Article{ESAM16, author = "Estepa, A. and Sponton Piriz, S. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Development of a Kinect-based exergaming system for motor rehabilitation in neurological disorders", journal = "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", number = "012060", volume = "705", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/ESAM16" } @InProceedings{VSLA16, author = "Vignolo, L. D. and Sarquis, J. A. and Leon, E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Furnariidae species recognition using speech-related features and machine learning", booktitle = "17th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI) - 45th JAIIO", month = "sep", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/VSLA16" } @InProceedings{AM16b, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Pigmented skin lesion segmentation based on sparse texture representations", booktitle = "12th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM)", month = "dec", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/AM16b" } @InProceedings{CMA16, author = "Ceschi, J. P. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Sistema de análisis de video para medición automática de intensidad de tráfico", booktitle = "10mo Simposio de Informática en el Estado (SIE) - 45th JAIIO", pages = "248--260", month = "sep", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/CMA16" } @InProceedings{KMGMMA16, author = "Kemerer, A. and Melchiori, R. and Galarza, R. and Mastaglia, N. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Software para delimitar zonas de manejo: evaluación agronómica comparativa", booktitle = "8º Congreso de AgroInformática (CAI) - 45th JAIIO", pages = "257--258", month = "sep", year = "2016", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2016/KMGMMA16" } @InProceedings{FMA15, author = "Fort Villa, A. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de una biblioteca para el procesamiento de imágenes utilizando tecnologías web", booktitle = "16th Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering (ASSE) - 44th JAIIO", month = "sep", year = "2015", address = "Rosario, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2015/FMA15" } @InProceedings{ESAM15, author = "Estepa, A. and Sponton Piriz, S. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Development of a Kinect-based exergaming system for motor rehabilitation in neurological disorders", booktitle = "XX Congreso Argentino de Bioingeniería y IX Jornadas de Ingeniería Clínica (SABI)", month = "oct", year = "2015", address = "San Nicolás de los Arroyos (Buenos Aires), Argentina", note = "ISBN 978-950-42-0166-3", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2015/ESAM15" } @InProceedings{OPOMA15, author = "Olivera, José and Ponzoni, N. C. and Oliva, Eduardo and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Development of an Open Source Library to Perform Video Synopsis", booktitle = "2015 XVI Workshop on Information Processing and Control (RPIC)", pages = "1--4", month = "oct", year = "2015", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2015/OPOMA15" } @MastersThesis{FAM15, author = "Fort Villa, A. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Implementación de una biblioteca para el procesamiento de imágenes desarrollada con tecnologías web", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2015", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2015/FAM15" } @InProceedings{SAMRG14, author = "Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, F. M. and Rufiner, H. L. and Goddard, J.", title = "Deep Learning for Emotional Speech Recognition", booktitle = "6th Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition (MCPR2014)", pages = "311--320", month = "jun", year = "2014", publisher = "LNCS - Springer", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2014/SAMRG14" } @InProceedings{ASMRG14, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M. and Martínez, F. M. and Rufiner, H. L. and Goddard, J.", title = "Spoken emotion recognition using deep learning", booktitle = "19th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP 2014)", month = "nov", year = "2014", address = "Pto. Vallarta, México", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2014/ASMRG14" } @InProceedings{SAM13, author = "Sosa, P. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Aplicación turística para dispositivos móviles basada en técnicas de visión computacional", booktitle = "XIX Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC)", pages = "376--384", month = "oct", year = "2013", address = "Mar del Plata, Argentina", note = "E-Book. ISBN 978-987-23963-1-2", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/SAM13" } @Article{AMRL13, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L. and López-Cózar, R.", title = "Classification of ASR Word Hypotheses Using Prosodic Information and Resampling of Training Data", journal = "Latin American Applied Research", number = "3", volume = "43", year = "2013", note = "ISSN: 0327-0793", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/AMRL13" } @MastersThesis{GMMAK13, author = "Galarza, R. and Mastaglia, N. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M. and Kemerer, A.", title = "Desarrollo de un método para delimitar zonas de manejo dentro de un lote productivo agrícola a través del procesamiento de datos georreferenciados (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2013", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/GMMAK13" } @MastersThesis{SAM13a, author = "Sosa, P. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de un software de procesamiento digital de imágenes para dispositivos móviles con aplicaciones en turismo (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2013", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/SAM13a" } @InProceedings{AVMM13, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Vignolo, L. D. and Martínez, C. E. and Milone, D. H.", title = "Genetic Wrapper Approach for Automatic Diagnosis of Speech Disorders related to Autism", booktitle = "14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI)", month = "nov", year = "2013", address = "Budapest, Hungary", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/AVMM13" } @Article{RSRAVMG13, author = "Reyes-Vargas, M. and Sánchez-Gutiérrez, M. and Rufiner, H. L. and Albornoz, E. M. and Vignolo, L. D. and Martínez, F. M. and Goddard, J.", title = "Hierarchical Clustering and Classification of Emotions in Human Speech Using Confusion Matrices", journal = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence", volume = "8113", pages = "162--169", year = "2013", note = "SPECOM 2013, Springer International Publishing Switzerland", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/RSRAVMG13" } @InProceedings{GMAM13, author = "Galarza, R. and Mastaglia, N. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Identificación automática de zonas de manejo en lotes productivos agrícolas", booktitle = "5to Congreso Argentino de Agroinformática (CAI) - 42da. JAIIO", month = "sep", year = "2013", address = "Córdoba, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/GMAM13" } @MastersThesis{PAM13, author = "Pfarther, C. N. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Método para detección y seguimiento de objetos con aplicaciones en Realidad Aumentada (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2013", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/PAM13" } @MastersThesis{CRA13, author = "Cibau, N. and Rufiner, H. L. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Reconocimiento de emociones en el habla mediante autocodificadores profundos (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos", year = "2013", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/CRA13" } @InProceedings{AMR13, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Robust Emotion Recognition using Bio-inspired Features", booktitle = "Anales de la XV Reunión de Procesamiento de la Información y Control", pages = "94--99", month = "sep", year = "2013", address = "San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/AMR13" } @InProceedings{CAR13, author = "Cibau, N. and Albornoz, E. M. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Speech emotion recognition using a deep autoencoder", booktitle = "Anales de la XV Reunión de Procesamiento de la Información y Control", pages = "934--939", month = "sep", year = "2013", address = "San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2013/CAR13" } @InProceedings{RYGAM12, author = "Rojas Fredini, E. and Yones, C. and Genzelis, L. and Albornoz, E. M. and Martínez, C. E.", title = "Desarrollo de una interfaz de realidad virtual para videojuegos mediante una cámara Kinect", booktitle = "3er Workshop Argentino sobre Videojuegos (WAVi)", pages = "17--24", year = "2012", editor = "Ediciones UNL", address = "Santa Fe, Argentina", note = "ISBN: 978-987-657-809-7", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2012/RYGAM12" } @PhdThesis{Alb11, author = "Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Modelado de estructuras prosódicas para el reconocimiento automático del habla", school = "Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2011", address = "Santa Fe, Argentina", note = "Directores: Dr. Diego H. Milone y Dr. Hugo L. Rufiner", keywords = "Modelado prosódico, Reconocimiento automático del habla, Modelo de lenguaje, redes de palabras, Reconocimiento de emociones en el habla, Clasificador jerárquico.", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2011/Alb11" } @InProceedings{AMRL11, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L. and López-Cózar, R.", title = "New Method for Classification of ASR Word Hypotheses Using Prosodic Cues", booktitle = "Anales de la XIV Reunión de Procesamiento de la Información y Control", month = "nov", year = "2011", address = "Oro Verde, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2011/AMRL11" } @Article{AMR11, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Spoken Emotion Recognition using Hierarchical Classifiers", journal = "Computer Speech and Language", volume = "25", pages = "556--570", year = "2011", note = "{ISSN}: 0885-2308", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2011/AMR11" } @MastersThesis{CMA10, author = "Crolla, M. B. and Milone, D. H. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Desarrollo de un sistema de reconocimiento de emociones en el habla (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2010", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2010/CMA10" } @InBook{AMR10a, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Multiple Feature Extraction and Hierarchical Classifiers for Emotions Recognition", booktitle = "Development of Multimodal Interfaces: Active Listening and Synchrony", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "5967", pages = "242–-254", year = "2010", editor = "Esposito, A., Campbell, N., Vogel, C., Hussain, A. and Nijholt, A.", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2010/AMR10a" } @MastersThesis{VMA10, author = "Vogt, J. P. and Martínez, C. E. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Reconocimiento automático de signos manuales mediante procesamiento digital de video (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2010", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2010/VMA10" } @InProceedings{AMR09, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L.", title = "Hierarchical Classifiers Approach for Emotions Recognition", booktitle = "XIII Reunión de Trabajo en Procesamiento de la Información y Control ({RPIC} 2009)", pages = "853--858", month = "september 16-18", year = "2009", address = "Rosario, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2009/AMR09" } @InProceedings{ACM08, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Crolla, M. B. and Milone, D. H.", title = "Recognition of emotions in speech", booktitle = "XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática", pages = "1120-1129", month = "September", year = "2008", address = "Santa Fe, Argentina", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2008/ACM08" } @InProceedings{VMRA06, author = "Vignolo, L. D. and Milone, D. H. and Rufiner, H. L. and Albornoz, E. M.", title = "Parallel implementation for wavelet dictionary optimization applied to pattern recognition", booktitle = "7th Argentine Symposium on Computing Technology", pages = "49-60", year = "2006", address = "Mendoza (Argentina)", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2006/VMRA06" } @MastersThesis{AM06, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H.", title = "Sistema de análisis prosódico y reconocimiento automático del habla. (Undergraduate project)", school = "Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias Hídricas - Universidad Nacional del Litoral", year = "2006", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2006/AM06" } @InProceedings{AM05, author = "Albornoz, E. M. and Milone, D. H.", title = "Construcción de patrones prosódicos para el reconocimiento automático del habla", booktitle = "7th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence", pages = "225--236", year = "2005", address = "Rosario (Argentina)", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2005/AM05" }