@Article{SPRS17, author = "Sharma, R. and Prasanna, S. R. M. and Rufiner, H. L. and Schlotthauer, G.", title = "Detection of the glottal closure instants using empirical mode decomposition", journal = "Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing", year = "2017", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/SPRS17" } @Article{SVSCRP17, author = "Sharma, R. and Vignolo, L. D. and Schlotthauer, G. and Colominas, M. A. and Rufiner, H. L. and Prasanna, S. R. M.", title = "Empirical Mode Decomposition for adaptive AM-FM analysis of Speech: A Review", journal = "Speech Communication", volume = "88", pages = "39--64", year = "2017", keywords = "EMD, AM-FM, Wavelet, LP, MFCC, Speech Processing", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2017/SVSCRP17" }