@InProceedings{GX04, author = "Giovanini, L. and Xia, H.", title = "Feedback Cooperative Control for Releasing Input Saturation", booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Control Applicatons 2004", month = "sep", year = "2004", note = "Hong Kong", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2004/GX04" } @InProceedings{XGGB03, author = "Xia, H. and Giovanini, L. and Grimble, M. and Bulut, B.", title = "Controller Benchmarking of a Heat-exchange network", booktitle = "IEEE Conference of Control Applications 2003", month = "jun", year = "2003", note = "Turkey", url = "http://sinc.unl.loc/sinc/sinc-publications/2003/XGGB03" }